Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pages Seventeen Through Nineteen of Heroes' Rising

Yergggh... Mr. Armor is way too skinny on those first two pages. ^_^; Oh well; I'm learning.
After this post, I'll be taking some time off to write out the entire story and get it into storyboard form so I can edit it and spend more time on the actual art. Thank you for your patience! I know it's annoying to only read one or two pages every week or so. ^_^ However, I'll still be putting game art up on here, since I'm such an art-oholic.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Page Sixteen of LegendQuest: Heroes' Rising

YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHH!!! I was so excited when I completed this page--like I said last time, this dude is, like, my favorite. Although Spyro doesn't exactly look too thrilled.
P.S. Mary, if you're ever on here-- you remember our little inside joke. Armor can be dashing too. ^_^