Hey there! Here's something I've been working on--a "poster" for
LegendQuest 3: Heroes' Calling! It's sort of based on some posters for movies I've seen, hence the floating heads of the characters at the top (^_^) and the metallic(ish) title. It's a little early since I'm not even finished with
Heroes' Rising yet, so you might not recognize some of the dudes on the page, but WHATEVER!!! It's an
art blog, right? Right.
Here's the original image...
...and HERE'S the new-and-improved, enlarged, full-color, okay-so-maybe-I-did-a-little-computer-editing poster! |
Spyro seems to have gone through a gigantamongous growth spurt since Heroes' Rising. Also, don't worry, that guy on the right with the black hair has pants on, just no shirt; I couldn't very well draw his pants in there, could I? That would look weird. Floating legs dangling in a void of blackness? Yeez. | | | |
Yeah, it doesn't make much sense yet. For now, just enjoy the picture, without any clue whatsoever as to what it means. ^_^ Soon it will, my Hyrule fans. And what a glorious day that will be. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha...
P.S. A special thank-you goes to Mary for inspiring me to color it! Incantasi, my faithful companion--if you look closely, you might just see a very faint line across you-know-who's right cheek. ^_^
Better every post! You are truly amazing!